Reputation is more important than money - Publilius Syrus
Like everyone else, we want to keep the lights on. Our main
methods of making money through this website are advertisements
and referral income.
The advertisements are clearly marked as such. Please do not
take their placement as an endorsement from us. We use external
ad networks and different users will see different advertisements.
We assure you that your user experience is of the utmost priority
to us.
We may get paid a small commission should you click on a
link we have placed on our website and then make a purchase
on the vendor platform where the link led you to. The small
amount we earn has no effect on the price that you pay. The
price remains the same whether or not you use our link to make
the purchase. We are very grateful whenever you purchase through
Though we make money, we will not do it at the expense of our
audience or our reputation with you. Here are measures we take.
We have stated in the earlier section how we make money. We
therefore won’t pretend that we are unbiased. We will take
the next best thing; objectivity. You can assess our objectivity
in how we write. We will present a fair and clear picture of
what a product or service entails.
We will only recommend a product we would use. It’s only
reasonable to do so. If we keep recommending bad products,
eventually our readers learn not to trust us.
Should we receive compensation to advertise a product, we will
mention it to you. A sponsored display is not a recommendation.
The sponsor is paying us for exposure to our readers base.
Should we discuss a sponsored product, we will give our objective
opinion that is free from the influence of the sponsor.
We are proud to provide this content to you at no cost. We aim
to keep it that way. If you ever feel we are not meeting our
promise for objectivity, please let us know. You can reach out
to us through our contacts.